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Can You Iron Embroidery? (Everything you need to know)

You have probably just finished your machine embroidery job on a material, but while working, you have wrinkled it, and right now, you are all over the internet in order to find out how to deal with it! Hi, I am here to help you!

In this article, I will tell the answer to the question: “Can You Iron Embroidery?” Stick until the end to find some more informational content!

Key Takeaways

  • An embroidered material should definitely be ironed, and it can be ironed very easily!
  • In case you don’t know, the main step in ironing embroidery is to turn the piece of fabric on its back part.
  • Depending on what stitches you use, an embroidery stitch can be easily cut out, and that way you destroy the whole process.
  • If you don’t want to iron the exact part of the embroidery, make sure to use embroidery floss and a hoop before starting the process of embroidery.

Can Embroidery be Ironed?

The exact and the main answer is that embroidery can be ironed! Plus, without saying anything else, when you iron embroidery projects, you will bring out a perfect and professional job as well as a superset design. So, that concludes with the fact that embroidery can be ironed, and you should definitely iron it.

It doesn’t really matter whether you did the embroidery or you just bought an embroidered piece of clothing; everything related to embroidery should be ironed as it gets wrinkled pretty easily.

Ironing Guide: How to Iron Embroidery?

Just like in everything else, embroidery ironing also has its own requirements and the steps that you should follow on how to do so! Well, luckily enough, I am here for that as well. I will mention some of the main steps you need to follow to bring out the best when ironing your embroidery works. Check out the steps down below:

Before starting make sure you prepare your ironing board or say the ironing surface.

1. The first thing that you should do before starting the ironing procedure is to put a cloth under the embroidered piece; for example, you can put a bath towel because they are more fluffy. 

2. Depending on what material of thread you have used on your embroidery job, you should know how to have your iron settings adjusted. For example, if you have used a cotton thread, you can use maximum heat, but if your thread is made of satin or silk, you should adjust the setting to its lowest heat. 

3. Above the embroidery cloth, you should also put another pressing cloth that is easy to iron, like cotton or linen, so that your iron won’t be in direct contact with the combination of the stitches found on the back part of an embroidery work.  

4. If everything above is done correctly, you can start using your iron. Start ironing by pressing the more wrinkled pieces, and press the iron very lightly. 

Once you have finished these steps, let the piece of embroidery cool off. After the cool-off procedure is done, your embroidered piece is more than ready!

What to Avoid When Ironing Embroidery?

Even though embroidered clothes can be ironed easily while following the steps mentioned above, a few things are worth mentioning, and they should be avoided when you iron an embroidery piece of cloth.

The first thing that is main rule is that you should never iron embroidery directly on its front. That’s because a hot iron can easily destroy and cut the stitches.

Something else to avoid is moving the iron in basic movements just like we do on any other material, which is simpler. It should be kept in mind because irregular movements can destroy the stitches.

Alternative Ways to Get Rid of Wrinkles on Embroidery

Even though the ironing procedure of embroidery is simple and easy, there is always something else to know when it comes to any alternative method you can use.

When it comes to embroidery, there is only one way to keep it out of wrinkles, which is all related to making it! If you do embroidery, you probably have heard about how to flatten the materials on the embroidery hoops. They are basically the main accessories that you should use on embroidery, and once you tighten the piece of fabric just as it should be, you won’t need to iron the exact place in which you have made it.

In case you choose to buy an embroidered shirt, sweater, or anything else, I am really sorry, but you still have to go through the ironing steps mentioned above!

Final Words

Here we came to the end of this article in which I tried to be as clear as possible in order to tell you if you can iron embroidery!

I am pretty sure that you understood that embroidery could be ironed, and you must iron it in case you see super big wrinkles around. However, still, if you have done the job yourself and you have followed the steps on how to do embroidery as you should, I don’t think that the embroidery piece needs too much ironing.

Here at the end, I hope this article has everything you have been thinking about!

Further Reading

I love advice, and no one can stop me from advising you to check out some other important articles that I have already written, all related to ironing and embroidery!

If you have in your hands different materials, and you have no idea whether they can be ironed or not, let me mention some of them. For example, I think it is important to know whether you can iron a wool suit, ask if you can iron leather, or if you can iron anything made of polyester.

There are “complicated” fabrics like satin and silk, and I would like to mention if satin can be ironed or whether you can iron silk.

As this article is related to embroidery, you can check out which are the greatest hat embroidery sewing machines as well as some amazing embroidery machines for custom designs.

Check them out, and stay tuned for more! Have fun!